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Giuseppe Tantillo

BIOCOSTELLATIONS: collective meeting

BIOCOSTELLATIONS: collective meeting

Regular price CHF 129.00
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The next Biocostellazioni seminar in person with Giuseppe Tantillo will be on February 2, 2025. The program with all the details will be sent with the booking confirmation email.

During the Bioconstellations meeting there will be moments of Active Meditation, it will be an exploration of the Self through the body and the breath.

What is Active Meditation?
It is a practice of breathing and movement, consisting of a series of simple synchronous movements combined with particular breathing, visualizations and/or vocalizations, which have the effect of making energy circulate freely. They derive from ancient Indo-Tibetan traditions, from Sufism and from Gurdjieff's Fourth Way to acquire an internal state of emotional, psychophysical balance, calm and serenity.

The Bioconstellations®️
They are an aid to life.
It is a Help Model that combines two Methods:
The 5 Biological Laws of Psychosomatics and the Spiritual and Medial Family Constellations of Dr Bert and his wife Sophie Hellinger created by an author and researcher, Gabriele Policardo.
It does not replace therapeutic paths, but supports and integrates them.
~ The 5 Biological Laws are a study method that allows you to understand how a phenomenon manifests itself in the body, whether organic or behavioral.
The symptom has a biological and personal, familial, systemic and spiritual characteristic.
The awareness of how the symptom manifests itself (your discomfort) is given by the observation of how sensations become neuroperceptions that through the Psyche, through the Brain, activate a part of the body and the relative behavior, as an emotional response for adaptation and survival.
~ Family Constellations.
They will allow you to observe the Levels of Consciousness, the Orders of Love and the systemic dynamics.
There will be a field created by you and other travelers, this representation will highlight the unconscious dynamics that cause suffering and manifestations, in many aspects of life.

Together we will observe emotional relationships, relationships in the professional sphere, in the relationship with money, with health, recurring events on the same dates, incidents such as generational burden.

Change always occurs with the awareness of the “disorder” to arrive at Reconciliation which sometimes also takes the value of Recognizing what is.

What to expect?
Thanks to the collective work of gathering, one also enters into resonance with the movements of the other participants, so that the experience is also a profound opportunity to reflect on various themes of life.

It is possible to participate to make a personal request or even just to learn and get in touch with this very profound method and see some spiritual movements of the soul.

The request arises by choosing a representative of your family member or your situation, who will experience movements and behaviors that will allow you to understand the dynamics of the phenomenon, dissolving the discomfort.

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What to expect?

You will be welcomed with joy and you will be able to participate by observing and if you feel a signal within yourself and you will be able to ask and you will be accompanied on the listening journey to explore your conscience so that the conditions for new awareness are created in favor of a Change facilitated by awareness of the "disorder" to arrive at Reconciliation which sometimes also takes the value of Recognizing and experiencing a Transformation in the Body, internal and behavioral in order to reduce or bring to a solution a manifestation of the Body .

What you will learn:

* the biology of the body's messages;

* the four levels of body messages;

* Levels of Consciousness;

* the Orders of Love;

* the Orders of Success;

* systemic dynamics: family loyalty; Love, blind, mature, unconditional, needy and innocent love; the Interrupted Movement; the Suspended Relationship; the Script of life; the Ancestors Syndrome; Missing Twin Syndrome; Meditation on the Bard;


The manifestations of the body will be observed only and exclusively from a biological, systemic, family point of view and as a creative movement of the spirit, respecting the freedom of the sacred space of the Client with its therapies, treatments, therapeutic paths on whose choices no one has the right to comment .

“From a systemic perspective, problems are failed attempts at love, and the love that maintains the problem can be channeled toward the solution. The therapist's task is, first of all, to trace the point at which the patient loves... and the same love that fueled the problem solves it" (Bert Hellinger).

Where and when


Sunday 28 January from 09:00 to 18:30

Share Center, via Carvina 1, 6807 Torricella-Taverne

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Giuseppe Tantillo

Giuseppe Tantillo, former Army Marshal, dedicates his life to assistance through Biocostellations®, EFT, Logosynthesis®, Spiritual and Non-Verbal Hypnosis. Certified in Past Life Regression Therapy, he offers well-being support through holistic and personalized approaches.