Viviana Queirolo Bertoglio
Meditation to restore your natural state of health
Meditation to restore your natural state of health
Required starting vibration level: low
If you feel tired, fear that you might get the flu or a headache, or even if you are sure you already have them, this guided visualization, which also contains some examples of how to change your thoughts in the right direction, can be listened to with your eyes closed even longer. times in a row to internalize it, you will need to eliminate or alleviate suffering and lay the foundations for restoring your natural state, which is that of being in excellent health!
The only "effort" required is to abandon every effort and every negative thought of self-pity or anger towards the situation and to let yourself be carried away by the current... as if you were in a canoe in a raging river, there is no point in trying to row upstream, better to let yourself be carried downstream.
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Important information
To book an individual session
Click on "Book" and the agenda will appear to choose a date and time of your liking, Viviana will write to you shortly via email or Whatsapp to confirm or, if necessary, request a change.
After purchasing an online course
With the automatic purchase confirmation email you will also receive instructions for accessing the course, which is located in a space dedicated to you on the site, by logging in with your email and password
Viviana Bertoglio
Astrosofa, astrologer and life coach, has transferred her passion to the construction of the Phedros project. Connecting the study of the sky with the existential path, it offers sessions and online courses in astrosophy, astrology, life coaching, light body meditation and PSYCH-K®.