Viviana Queirolo Bertoglio

Your family karma

Your family karma

Regular price CHF 29.00
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Family karma is a complex, often overlooked field. We experience repetitive situations, not necessarily linked to our past lives, but to patterns inherited from our ancestors. When we find ourselves repeating the life or experiences already lived by our ancestors, it is inherited karma, and by understanding it, we can free ourselves from it.

Through the birth chart, we discover family karma and understand why events repeat themselves. Awareness is key: reacting differently is the only way to free ourselves from this baggage. Repeated situations are messages that require a different response to a pain we feel but which is not ours.

The process of awareness involves understanding the profound message, the situation that generated these effects and processing the pain that our ancestors passed on to us. Recognizing the presence of karma, moving from anger to love, and returning love to people who have hurt us dissolves family karma. Free yourself from repetitive patterns.

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Viviana Bertoglio

Astrosofa, astrologer and life coach, has transferred her passion to the construction of the Phedros project. Connecting the study of the sky with the existential path, it offers sessions and online courses in astrosophy, astrology, life coaching, light body meditation and PSYCH-K®.