Viviana Queirolo Bertoglio
Astrological interpretation of the birth chart online, complete
Astrological interpretation of the birth chart online, complete
The reading of the birth chart online takes place via Skype video call (even if you don't have an account you will receive a link that opens simply by clicking on it) or if you really prefer also via Whatsapp and lasts about 60 minutes.
The astrological interpretation of the birth chart guides you to make crucial decisions. It reveals the purpose of life and facilitates understanding of innate abilities and challenges faced and to be faced. Following your destiny brings joy, while going against the flow generates suffering. Reading helps you make choices about everyday matters and important matters such as marriage or career or home changes.
Reading helps you redefine your dreams and goals, allowing alignment with your highest calling. Your destiny can manifest itself at various levels in the experiences you actually have. You can choose and influence the manifestation of planetary influences by increasing your awareness, through understanding the profound reasons that are at the origin of your painful experiences and by committing yourself to making conscious and evolutionary choices.
Astrological reading helps you understand the true mechanism that regulates the functioning of your life. The sky chart at the time of birth influences character and destiny, indicating the lessons necessary for evolution. Recognizing predestined difficulties as opportunities to evolve opens the mind to changes, freeing potential talents.
Reading reveals your light and dark parts, suggesting how to integrate aspects of your personality to avoid self-destructive behavior. Identifying the shadow in the parents and in the family karmic history helps to avoid its unconscious replication.
To best enjoy reading your birth chart I recommend you create a quiet moment for openness and reflection. Information, often profound, takes time to understand and absorb. The reading can be listened to again on subsequent occasions to deepen understanding. The mp3 recording file will be sent to you within a few hours.
Reading promotes confidence in belonging to a bigger picture and I suggest you proceed to further reading only when necessary and when some time has passed. Avoid addiction, and take advantage of what you have learned to reconnect with your inner guidance.
Date, time and place of birth are required, while the Skype® link will be communicated via Email or Whatsapp by Viviana.
Book here also if you want the comparative couple theme (synastry), astrological predictions (directions, solar revolution and transits) and in-depth reading of your life for specific sectors (e.g. relationships, work, family, children, etc.) .
Important information
To book an individual session
Click on "Book" and the agenda will appear to choose a date and time of your liking, Viviana will write to you shortly via email or Whatsapp to confirm or, if necessary, request a change.
After purchasing an online course
With the automatic purchase confirmation email you will also receive instructions for accessing the course, which is located in a space dedicated to you on the site, by logging in with your email and password
Viviana Bertoglio
Astrosofa, astrologer and life coach, has transferred her passion to the construction of the Phedros project. Connecting the study of the sky with the existential path, it offers sessions and online courses in astrosophy, astrology, life coaching, light body meditation and PSYCH-K®.