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Viviana Queirolo Bertoglio

FUNDAMENTAL course for learning to read your birth chart: first module

FUNDAMENTAL course for learning to read your birth chart: first module

Regular price CHF 60.00
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The FUNDAMENTAL course for learning to read your birth chart was proposed as an introductory path through the Phedros YouTube channel and subsequently made available in the form of recorded videos for those who are not subscribers.

The first module, made up of 14 lessons lasting between 30 and 45 minutes each (around 7 hours in total) plus a live one with Fabrizio Mariotti, constitutes a fundamental starting point. The course is aimed both at those approaching the birth chart for the first time and at those who already have preliminary knowledge. The live participants immediately began reading their essay and those of their loved ones.

The program initially addresses basic topics such as calculating the birth chart online, the movement of the planets, the angles of the chart, the quadrants, the Sun and Moon in relation to the ASC, DSC, MC and FC points.
The subsequent lessons delve into topics such as the meaning of the Sun and Moon, the angles, the houses, the astrological symbols, the planetary aspects, the zodiac signs and the astrological alphabet, light and shadow in the signs, the symbolism of the planets, emotional wounds and their correlation with the signs, as well as exploring the spiritual interpretation of the lunar nodes (with the video contribution of Fabrizio Mariotti), connecting them to the role of Saturn in defining the mission in life. To finish the module we examine Saturn's veto and delve into the meaning of the planets.
Documents (PDF) shown during the live broadcasts are included.

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Click on "Book" and the agenda will appear to choose a date and time of your liking, Viviana will write to you shortly via email or Whatsapp to confirm or, if necessary, request a change.

After purchasing an online course

With the automatic purchase confirmation email you will also receive instructions for accessing the course, which is located in a space dedicated to you on the site, by logging in with your email and password

Viviana Bertoglio

Astrosofa, astrologer and life coach, has transferred her passion to the construction of the Phedros project. Connecting the study of the sky with the existential path, it offers sessions and online courses in astrosophy, astrology, life coaching, light body meditation and PSYCH-K®.