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Viviana Queirolo Bertoglio

ASTROSOPHY: Online course - first module

ASTROSOPHY: Online course - first module

Regular price CHF 68.00
Regular price Sale price CHF 68.00
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The online astrosophy course with Viviana Queirolo Bertoglio offers an introductory path made up of 4 modules, each with 7 lessons, lasting one hour, allowing participants to select the number of modules they wish to participate in. The lessons are recorded live, thus providing an authentic and interactive experience.

This basic course is suitable both for those approaching astrosophy for the first time and for those who already have preliminary knowledge through previous courses.

Module 1:

What is Astrosophy
Some philosophical concepts with simplicity
The astrosophical language
How to calculate the Ascendant
The basics of reading and interpreting symbols (signs and planets)
The zodiac signs
Interpret the zodiac signs with a simple method, through the astrosophical alphabet
Sun, Moon and ascendant, Light and shadow
Understanding the integration mechanism of your shadow side - building the light-shadow metaphor
Practical exercises
Application of the Light-Shadow theory to the birth chart of the participants
Introduction to the lunar nodes.

Take the opportunity to get closer to the wonderful world of astrosophy, watch the video of a first lesson (different from the one contained in the course) to understand its depth, click on buy and leave immediately.

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Important information

To book an individual session

Click on "Book" and the agenda will appear to choose a date and time of your liking, Viviana will write to you shortly via email or Whatsapp to confirm or, if necessary, request a change.

After purchasing an online course

With the automatic purchase confirmation email you will also receive instructions for accessing the course, which is located in a space dedicated to you on the site, by logging in with your email and password

Viviana Bertoglio

Astrosofa, astrologer and life coach, has transferred her passion to the construction of the Phedros project. Connecting the study of the sky with the existential path, it offers sessions and online courses in astrosophy, astrology, life coaching, light body meditation and PSYCH-K®.