The Sun in the sign of Aries

Degree of happiness of the Sun: Very high because it is in exaltation in Aries, it is necessary to check the aspects with other planets on a case-by-case basis to also evaluate the degree of harmony (*)

Keywords: if the Sun is happy / harmonious: I give energy, if unhappy / disharmonious: I seek energy

Bright Mode (Happy and/or Harmonic)

Intuition and Creativity

Aries is a fire sign, characterized by intuition and creativity. When a person with the Sun in Aries is happy and balanced, they show a great ability to energize others. Their vision is guided by vivid images and intuitions, and they have a strong will and decision-making power. Their desire to do something leads them to take action and create new opportunities, often acting as pioneers. Their energy is expressed through vision, which helps them visualize goals and pursue them with determination.

Will to Power

Aries expresses his energy through concrete actions and creations, always ready to move and make a difference. This expression of energy is often individual and personal, demonstrating an introverted and independent approach. In their light mode, Aries are innovators, ready to overcome obstacles and inspire those around them.

Shadow Mode (Disharmonic)

Seeking Energy and Frustration

When an Aries is weak or unhappy, they often find themselves seeking energy from the outside. This lack of energy can manifest as frustration and impatience, with a tendency to clash with others. Their vision can become blurred, and impulsive actions can lead to mistakes. In these situations, their desire for power can transform into a desire for excessive control, creating conflicts in personal and professional relationships. 

Isolation and Stubbornness

The choleric temperament can degenerate into anger and isolation, with Aries withdrawing from others in an attempt to re-establish their sense of power. Their tendency to want to do everything themselves can become an obstacle, preventing them from accepting help and support. In this shadow mode, Aries can become stubborn and resistant to change, stunting their personal and professional development.

Characters Associated with the Sun

Bright Mode (Harmonic)


A person with the Sun in Aries sees their father as an energetic and motivating figure. Project leadership qualities and determination onto him. Even if the father is not of the sign of Aries, the individual tends to perceive him as a model of resourcefulness and strength.

Husband / partner

The husband is seen as passionate and protective. The individual with the Sun in Aries projects onto their spouse the desire to keep the relationship lively and stimulating. Even if the husband is not an Aries, he is perceived as a person who loves challenges and wants a dynamic relationship.


A leader is perceived as dynamic and enterprising. The person with the Sun in Aries projects onto their superior the image of a motivating leader, always looking for new opportunities. Even if the leader is not an Aries, he or she is seen as someone who pushes the team to do their best and achieve quick results.

Shadow Mode (Disharmonic)


When Aries energy is disharmonious, a person may see their father as domineering and domineering. He may perceive him as a figure who imposes his will without listening, generating conflicts and tensions.


In a disharmonious state, the husband is seen as aggressive and dominating. The person with the Sun in Aries may feel suffocated by his presence, perceiving him as incapable of collaborating and finding balance in the relationship. 


A boss is perceived as tyrannical and insensitive. The person with the Sun in Aries may feel oppressed and unrecognized, seeing their superior as someone who does not value teamwork and employee autonomy.

Emotional wounds

Injustice and Victimization

People with the Sun in Aries can deal with emotional wounds related to injustice, often feeling victimized in situations in which they perceive they are being treated unfairly. This wound manifests itself when they are unable to express their energy harmoniously. Their need for affirmation and recognition can lead to feeling victimized if they do not receive the desired respect and appreciation.

Impact of Wounds

These wounds can profoundly affect Aries' behavior. In shadow mode, they may become more aggressive or competitive in an attempt to avoid feelings of injustice. It is important for them to recognize these wounds and work on them in order to express their energy in a more balanced and positive way.


(*) This judgment does not imply that the person is more or less lucky, because through unhappiness and tensions he has the opportunity to develop a talent, while happiness and harmony can often lead to indolence. We all have some planet that is unhappy or that is in tension with another: knowing and examining what it is about in order to consciously address the issue represented by the planet is the purpose of evolutionary astrology.



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When a planet is happy or unhappy

A planet is happy when it is in domicile, exaltation or triplicity, signs in
which can positively express its qualities (bright mode). In
on the contrary, he is unhappy when he is in exile or fallen, in signs in
the expression of its natural characteristics is limited (shadow mode).
When it is peregrine, the planet is neutral.

When a planet is harmonious or disharmonious

A planet is harmonious when it forms positive aspects (trine and sextile) with other planets, aspects
which facilitate the constructive expression of its energies. On the contrary, it is
when it forms negative aspects (square and opposition), aspects
that create tensions and challenges. The conjunction can be both positive and negative.
negative, depending on the planets involved and their combined energies.