Professionista attiva come astrosofa con Phedros


In search of the "meaning of life", since I was young I have searched along the way and life has offered me several important encounters with people who have left a mark. I met Lorenzo Ostuni, a symbology scholar, Baba Bedi from whom I learned intuitive mediumship, Manuela Terraluna, my teacher of Dialogue of Inner Voices through whom I learned to make the different parts of me dialogue, I met the family constellations that made me experimenting with the concept of field, I learned the connection with mother Earth through the seminars of Erena, a woman of Maori medicine and finally Fabrizio Mariotti from whom I learned Astrosophy and the beauty of celestial harmonies.
I express my gratitude to all my teachers, also for the curiosity they stimulated in me.
From here I continued to search within myself, allowing myself to be flooded with intuitions and connections with everything. This is why I wrote my book "Astrosophical Connections" as a summary of my journey that brought me this far and as a stimulus for the next stage.
I am grateful to the life that has offered me what I have always looked for.

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Dialogue between the SELF and the SOUL in the Birth Chart

Over time I felt the need to understand where one can meet one's Soul.
Thanks above all to Astrosophy and my past experiences, I have come to understand a place and the quality of the encounter with one's Soul, exactly as happens when we fall in love with someone.
We will remain with ourselves all our lives. And in OURSELVES the human personality, our Soul or our higher self and all those inner voices that coexist with us to make us become what we are are considered. Understanding our greatness means contemplating all the parts from the most vulnerable to the wisest, from those we like most to those we don't like to see.
Reading the birth chart with this vision is a further way of adding another piece to our knowledge, to our Uniqueness and Unity.

Contact Roberta Ianni Alice