mariapia borgnini phedros

Mariapia Borgnini

Mariapia Borgnini leads Mindfulness courses in Lugano, where she lives and works. Through the method of "making stories" he helped teenagers in difficulty during his 16 years as an educational psychologist in the pre-internship school. In 2011 she obtained the diploma of Mindfulness-based instructor from the Italian Mindfulness Association. Today he is co-responsible for art therapy training at the Group Research Institute in Lugano, where he leads photolanguage workshops as well as Mindfulness courses.

Find out more about Mariapia Borgnini

Mindfulness courses and books

As an educational psychologist, for Mariapia Borgini Mindfulness is above all an affectionate attention to be included in our daily lives. Through Phedros you can sign up for its Mindfulness courses online or book a free introductory phone call. She is the author of numerous books in which she collected this experience: "Let's pretend it's not us?" (2007), “It doesn't affect me” (2010), and “But what lesson is this? Diary of an itinerary oriented by generative psychology” (2010, with Tazio Manzocchi) “The gentle force of attention. Little stories of Mindfulness” (2016).

Informational interview

If you have questions about Mindfulness courses, you can contact Mariapia Borgnini directly, who will answer your questions with a free telephone interview, which you can arrange by requesting contact via the form below.

What will you learn thanks to the Mindfulness course?

The experience of Mindfulness allows you to live deeply and relate to your experience in a different way. It is a way of getting in touch with what happens inside and outside of us and of taking care of the body and mind. Developing the ability to stay in the present allows you to acquire a method aimed at managing stress, pain and illnesses, but also to face the challenges of daily life.

The experience of Mindfulness

The experience includes an MBSR program that takes place in eight group meetings with a weekly frequency of approximately two and a half hours each, as well as a final full-day meeting.

The MBSR program, developed in the field of behavioral medicine by prof. Jon Kabat-Zinn and his collaborators at the University of Massachusetts, has demonstrated over 25 years of research its prevention and rehabilitation potential, attenuating anxious and depressive symptoms, chronic pain, highlighting the impact on the hormones involved in responding to stress and mediate the immune response.

To participate in the experience, a personal interview is required before the start, the commitment to be present and the daily carrying out of the exercises acquired during the meetings.

The exercises consist of learning mindfulness through various meditative techniques that include listening to the breath and paying attention to the sensory panoramas of the body and mind. In addition to self-control exercises, the course includes group discussions and sharing of experiences and learning about the factors that cause and maintain stress.

The daily exercises to be done at home, with the support of audio guides, take about an hour a day.

Stimulating a new relationship with the body and mind allows you to modify the quality of the experience, discovering within yourself spaces of calm and clarity that allow you to face what happens with more confidence.

The experience involves learning specific practices to learn to manage difficult situations, training techniques to become more aware of the mind/body interaction and discovering ways to focus and learn to manage recurring emotions and thoughts.

Contact Mariapia Borgnini