Metodo 369 - che cos'è e come si fa

Method 369 - what it is and how to do it


In this article we talk about the 369 method: what it is and how to do it. Read on to find out how to make requests of the Universe using the law of attraction .

Method 369: what is it?

The 369 method is an exercise that is based on some basic principles of Nikola Tesla and Abraham-Hicks and which aims to make a wish come true.

Nikola Tesla he believed that there was a close relationship between the numbers 3, 6, and 9 . The goal of his studies was to bring electricity to the whole world for free. He created various projects, but at the basis of his research there was always a strong focus on numbers, in particular the numbers 3,6,9. He had observed, through the study of some mathematical formulas, that these numbers always repeat themselves. He firmly believed that they underlie the origin of everything in the Universe. It is said that he believed in these numbers so much that he built his life around them. He stayed in hotel rooms whose number was divisible by 3, before returning home it is said he always went around the block 3 times and finally he always chewed his food following this pattern.

Abraham Hicks states that if we concentrate on a thought, because of the law of attraction, we attract energy, and what we have thought expands until it manifests on the physical plane.

Our mind is very powerful

Yes it is! If we combine our power with universal laws we can really change our lives, improving our relationships, our home, our profession and even our economic situation.

What is the law of attraction and how to apply it


Watch the video with the explanation and a simple exercise:

Method 369: how do you make a wish come true?

First of all we need to believe that what we are wishing for can come true.

We can then help ourselves with some exercises. The 3 6 9 method can be applied in many ways, we will explain a very effective one.

In this exercise we apply the 369 method with repetition, based on the principle that putting a thought on paper (remember the famous Latin proverb) and repeating an action several times throughout the day helps us realize our desires.

However, it is not enough to write our desire, the drafting must be done following small precautions.

In this article we describe the best known and most widespread method.

You can find the alternative method proposed in the video above here

Method 369: what is it for?

Get a notebook, notebook or diary that is dedicated only to your desires and a pen that you particularly like.

It begins:

  1. Fix your desire well in your mind. Remember: you have to believe it is possible.
  1. You write your desire(s) starting the sentence with “ Thank you Universe for giving me..” followed by what you would like to be, do, receive, have.
  1. You will have to decide the times in which to do the exercise, since you will have to do this 3 times during the day. Remember that you will always have to have your notebook and pen with you. The times must be respected every day, so it will be important to set times when you think you can dedicate a few minutes to your exercise.
  1. In the first session (e.g. 7.30 am) you will have to write your wish 3 times; in the second session (e.g. 2.00 pm) you will have to write it 6 times; and 9 times in the third and final session (e.g. 9.30 pm).
  1. The wish must be written, as I said above, following some precautions. You must start writing by thanking the entity you prefer (nature, God, Universe,…) for giving you what you want. Yes, you have to write thanking the entity just as if your wish has already come true. As you write it, imagine what your life would be like if what you wanted were reality and describe the sensations you experience, how you feel. This will help you overcome the famous 17 seconds that Abraham Hicks talked about, the time needed for a thought to become strong and to activate the corresponding vibration.
  1. Wishes should always be written positively. Avoid using sentences that begin with “never” or “never” or verbs like “lose.” Write what you want, not what you no longer want.

How long do you do this exercise with the 369 method?

Until your wish comes true.

Maybe you're wondering what the point of writing so much is. What this exercise wants to do is reprogram our subconscious. Repeating something 18 times a day is essentially a work of overwriting. It works just like computers: you reset the old one and install the new one.

Reprogramming is part of a topic addressed several times in Phedros' blog on the law of attraction , about limiting beliefs, that is, all those beliefs that have become fixed within us through the experiences and education received at school and in the family.

What stops you from realizing your desires?

Limiting beliefs are written inside us, just as if we were a blackboard. However, all we need to do is delete them and replace them with thoughts that we like better and make us feel better.

Furthermore, writing the desire as if it were already reality allows us to gain confidence and optimism that what we are asking for can truly come true.

If you want to do the exercise together with Viviana Bertoglio following one of the various step-by-step methods, read here and watch the video

Here are some examples of writing a wish:

“I want to have a fit body.”

“Thank you Universe for giving me a body that I like. I finally feel fit, light, full of energy. I can move more easily, I eat much better and this makes me feel good about myself. I look at myself in the mirror and I like myself, I see myself as beautiful. I can take nice walks, I like being outdoors, breathing in the scents of the seasons, feeling the wind on my face. It relaxes me, creates a beautiful state of well-being in me!”

“I want to have financial security.”

“Thank you Universe for giving me the financial security I've been looking for for a long time. I am calmer, my stomach is relaxed, I am at peace with myself. I can buy the things I want: a necklace, a toy for my son, an object for the house. I manage to pay the bills and at the end of the month I have money left over that I can put aside to give my children a better future or to go on a trip if I feel like it. I'm finally free to decide what I want to do, where to go and when to do it."

Now you have all the tools and knowledge to apply the 3 6 9 method, and to make your wishes come true. Let us know how it went!

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